The City of Maple Valley and the Economic Development Commission offers a free advisory session for current business owners or those with a business idea.

Pitch & Pivot is a voluntary program provided by industry professionals.

The program works for those who have an established business and want help taking it to the next level or are in need of guidance or for entrepreneurs with a business idea and are unsure how to get started.

The EDC tailors each session to the specific business idea and topics provided by the applicant. This is a no-cost resource that allows you to pitch your business plan live to a group of advisors made up of community leaders and business professionals along with a Subject Matter Expert — who is chosen specifically based on the applicant’s business.

These sessions are held in person at Maple Valley City Hall. The applicant has 30 minutes to pitch and 30 minutes to discuss feedback with the advisors.

The hope coming out of a Pitch & Pivot session is that you take action and put your knowledge into motion.

The City and EDC have hosted nearly five sessions now with the goal of completing one per quarter.

Known businesses such as Lydia’s Cakes and Confections to up and coming businesses like Party Magic, and Batch 3 Ice Cream have participated in these advisory sessions.

Our most recent session with Batch 3 Ice Cream was filled with discussion from the potential of opening a brick-and-mortar location in Maple Valley to how to market ice cream in the winter.

With the help of our Subject Matter Expert from Shug’s Soda Fountain + Ice Cream, the tailored advisory panel held an insightful discussion with Angela and Brett Thompson, owners of Batch 3 Ice Cream.

Since their session they have been able to look at their financial statements and forecasts for cash flow and profit projections as well as connect with local developers and retail owners to explore the possibility of a permanent location.

“Brett and I found the Pitch and Pivot experience helpful and enjoyable. It was humbling to have so many intelligent people in the room offering guidance and encouragement to us,” Angela said. “I think the program such an amazing value that the city provides. I love that Maple Valley is encouraging and supporting new entrepreneurs. Scheduling and the meeting itself was extremely well organized and executed.”

This is an opportunity to ask questions, take action and join a growing community who is invested in you.

If this sounds like a program you would be interested in, fill out our brief questionnaire:

We are always looking for volunteer advisory members, if this sounds like a role you would be interested in, please fill out this form:

For more information, visit:

Let’s Grow Together!