Italian Heritage Day

Visit the Black Diamond Historical Museum in Black Diamond for Italian Heritage Day.

Scandinavians in Coal Mining

Black Diamond Museum 32627 Railroad Ave, Black Diamond

Join us as we explore the immigrants of Scandinavians and their contributions to Black Diamond, Franklin and more! Admission always free.


Charting Stampede Pass

Black Diamond Museum 32627 Railroad Ave, Black Diamond

Join us as we go back to learn about Virgil Bouge’s setting out to Tacoma Pass and discover any new paths the Green River may have led to. This assignment from January to April led to the route being selected for a major railroad path through the area and set up one more important link […]


Black Diamond All-School Reunion

Black Diamond Community Center 31605 3rd Ave, Black Diamond

Join us for the annual reunion. Anyone who ever attended school in Black Diamond is welcome to join us. Black Diamond Community Center. It is a great time to enjoy a lunch and visit with your school mates from years past. Because a meal is provided, registration is required. Each year over 80 folks typically […]


Welsh Heritage Day

Black Diamond Museum 32627 Railroad Ave, Black Diamond

The Black Diamond Historical Society is pleased to host the Puget Sound Welsh Association to celebrate Welsh Heritage Day. They have a special event and presentation planned, beginning at 1 p.m. The museum opens at 11 am so come early to tour. Refreshments will be served after the presentation. As always, the museum is open […]
